Thursday, August 28, 2008

to color or not to color....

A friend of mine recently wrote me and asked me to write a blog about my ever changing hair. If you look at all the pictures I am sure you can understand why. the pictures above are just a sample of the hairstyles I have had in the past 5-6 years there are about 10 more variations of color and style but that would lock up the blog. Most of the time I get comments like "I love your hair, but I could never pull that off" or "I could never wear that style" I think hair is like clothing you just have to OWN it. Don't wear something you aren't comfortable in because it will show in how you act, I think it's the same for hair.

First, it is not an obsession. I agree with the proverb "Variety is the spice of life" without it life would get boring and dull. I am the type of person who gets bored with anything that is the same for too long. for example DH drinks Pepsi, all day every day, Pepsi. Pepsi, Pepsi. I can't do that. I get bored. I will drink all kinds of soda, I don't necessarily have a favorite I enjoy variety. When we go to a restaurant he orders the same meal every time, he says he knows what he likes and why mess with it and risk getting something he won't enjoy. I on the other hand try something new most of the time, or rotate a few favorites. I may have a meal I like but if I don't try the other dishes I may be missing a meal I LOVE.

OK, now back to my hair. I live in a small town in Oklahoma. I am not from here, I merely live here now. Everyone here has the same hair to some degree. The typical straight, parted, Britney or Lindsay hairdo. Older women here have the same set curled style. I like being different and do not want to look like everyone else. I know that is important in high school but it's just as important to me NOT to fit in the mold.
If I have an itch I scratch it, and for me a lot of times my itch is my hair. It is the easiest thing to change, weight takes a lot of time and effort, style or clothes takes quite a bit of money, and I love my man and family I would never change that. So I change my hair. It's that simple and that complicated.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pulling my hair out.

I posted a little while ago that I was unhappy with the way the school system here was handling registration for my high school kid. He went back to school last Wed, and his schedule was all messed up. I mean not even close. Out of the 7 classes he asked for they got 2 of them right. When I went down to the school to straighten it out, they told me to go away. They told me that the counselors would not talk to me or anyone else until Monday. That they have a lot of schedules to fix and the new ones would be handed out on Monday (today). I have a lot of choice words for these boneheads, but I will try to keep this clean. The thing is, that DS has friends in the classes he should be in and they are doing work and getting homework assignments. So now he gets to start the year out behind. When he gets home today I will check his new schedule, but I really don't expect it to be any better. I plan on going down there tomorrow morning and not leaving until everything is correct.

I remember high school, it wasn't that long ago. I went to a school that is about 3 times bigger than this high school, and I never had this problem. I knew what my schedule was before school started and if there was a problem we had it fixed before the first day of school. What are these people doing? There are computer programs that do a better job, for crying out loud BUY ONE!!

Menu Plan Monday.

Here is my next shot at menu planning for this week. Last week I think I used 4 of the 7 plans, so I will print it out this week and post it on my fridge, to see if I utilize it more. This is my first full week back at school and DS is in school too. I have a couple of evening classes, so that is going to cut back on my time to cook. However this is my plan for the week. If you are looking to start planning your families menus check out orgjunkie's blog where she hosts Menu Plan Mondays here
(my first try at linking, lets see if it works)

Monday - Roast, potatoes, carrots

Tuesday - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans

Wednesday - leftover night/feed yourself ( I have classes til 10pm)

Thursday - Fettuccine Alfredo

Friday - Breakfast Burritos

Saturday - Pizza

Sunday - make-up night/leftover night ( whatever meal I missed in the week, if I didn't miss any then leftovers/ clean out the fridge night take inventory to plan next week's meals)

I didn't include any recipes, because there isn't anything on here that requires one..... If anyone wants one for something, I will gladly send it to you.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

menu plan...

My menu plan this week didn't go so well. I think since I am recovering from surgery, there are days that I don't want to cook and I have forgotten to get meats out of the freezer, etc. I am going to make another menu for this week (being the first whole week of school) and we will see if I can still to it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

menu planning monday

This is the first week of school here, now it is only a half week and I doubt anyone will actually DO anything, but it's still the first few days of getting up early and schlepping your way to class. So I figure this week I will make an easier, quicker, friendlier menu ( I only plan dinners, everyone in my house is old enough to help themselves to breakfast and lunch)
Monday - Ally's cheese chicken, rice, broccoli
Tuesday - meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans
Wed (DS first day of school, DH's birthday) - DH picks his dinner.....
Thurs (my first day of school) - Chicken Tacos
Friday - Roast, potatoes, carrots
Saturday - Leftovers
Sunday - Homemade Pizza


OK, I admit I am an avid reader of a couple of other blogs that cover how to shop at CVS and basically get a lot of stuff for free or really reduced. At first it seemed too good to be true, but now that I have done it a few times in the past month or so I am getting the hang of it, and sure enough, I am getting stuff for next to nothing. Now, I will also admit that sometimes it is things I don't really need or even want, but I am a sucker and I can't walk away from anything that is "free" SO, I was going to post my trip this week, but my DH threw away my receipts because i had left them on the table and he decided to pick up. I guess I will have to wait til next week to post my terrific deals, but here is an approximation of what I did this week.
I bought
4 Extra gum (8 packs)
1 bags of Gummi savers, 1
bag Jolly Rancher candy,
BIC Soliel razor refill,
2 CVS brand hand sanitizers,

coupons I used :
$3/15 cvs
$2 off CVS skincare
$2 off BIC refills
2-$2 off Wrigley extra gum

I spent $2.38 OOP and got $5 ECB back.

next week I will be more diligent and make sure to post before DH gets ahold of the receipts. I will also take pictures before my family gets ahold of the candy.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

back from the lake

We didn't stay at the lake because our boat is not working properly. All the kids (husband included) got bored without the boat and decided there was no reason to stay, so we all came home today. I am ok with it because it is less work for me and I get to sleep in my own bed tonight, yay! I even think I am going to go to bed early, I am just plain ol worn out.